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Monday, August 20, 2012


Fairly normal pond runnings lately - well except for 3 (cray) possible homicides. All the remains were found at the same location, and in a similar condition. Forensics were not done. Although the next person that asks me what i do - i will say forensic botany. Or maybe risk management/damage control ( you know - if things don't work out at first). Anyway, new group of polliwogs - yesterday on one side - "both sides today"- Have moved 11 or so crays to the small tank with lavender colored lilies. Glad to have the golden horse come and visit and he could help take down the grass --- Thinking about the relatively small wolf spider in here -- after relocating a larger (4") friend or relative the other night. Gained more respect for them a couple months ago, after finding out they have some type of venom. That might explain a bite a few months ago, though the only other mean thing we have is centipedes, which is not bad for tropics. The boars have come right outside a couple nights before- sometime crunching passion fruits. So i procrastinated - the big one the other night waited above for hours- and this one was hanging around. I guess i talk to insects also 'cause i told the other one that i understand why you like to hide in here. A while back, on a bright day  - while sitting outside - a wolf spider came floating down from the trees. As he hit the ground, he took off like a jet. Remembering the little wasp with the orange thorax - dragging dead w spiders, their relationship was known to me. Since i have lived rurally for so long, you know how you get used to things, which Aldous Huxley said was 50% of the philosophy of life. I looked at the But if a human or culture retains useless or harmful habits, one must reason and practice letting go what does not serve the good of all - including the fear of a little spider.