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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Many ponds / Many Wonders

           Along my walk, i decided to take a "road" (a 1 car dirt lane) i'd never gone on before. Have always appreciated traveling and going a new way. This allows for a spontaneous alertness and wonder of the self; to play and be free( and sometimes lost). After a couple miles going down toward the ocean, the road met another and knew my location. Another 3/4  and i could be at the cliffs and see the whales. I feel they have some way of perceiving us, and it was not a question to go - except... You go through peoples property and pastures, and i hadn't been there for a while. At the beginning of the road down, there was a bright 444 sign - an auspicious number, which is the property at the end , tho there are a couple houses before it. Coming down, looking across the vast ocean, i knew i would be seeing my "friends." "It's not a great idea to expect things, Mr. Rational said, but there was no question it would happen. Alas. when getting there, the place where i was last time was gone, replaced by fenced areas and cow pasture. Had to keep going, so farther down, between the fences, a narrow trail, and in the trees, a perfect spot, about 100 ft up from the water. As we often find, our fears are illusions.
         Scanning the somewhat turbulent waters, no sign of of spouts or anything. I just scanned and used thoughts to communicate. After about 4 or 5 minutes, i saw spouts directly in front, a little ways out. It seemed they were not moving much and sometime floating on the surface. They seemed relaxed, in comparison to the South and Westside, where boats seek to watch them, and they keep moving. They also were staying under longer( capable of staying under for 15 mins). They were heading out and i didn't get much of a view. I noticed an orange fish that was kind of caught on a lava rock table pool, with crashing waves with whitewater sometimes covering the pool. The fish looked kind of battered, and i looked at some dangling rope down the mud cliff, and had to decide against the impulse to help somehow. This was the older brother of the orange fish in the pond where i live. That pond served as my metaphor for our environment in these writings. The fish's escape would be difficult. He needed to swim against the current of the waves pushing him the other way. THEN, swim WITH the current to be pulled back out to freedom. Of course, it would demand perfect timing, and trust or instinct or something., to go with the flow...
              So, i decided how much i could spend empathizing with the fish's predicament, which there wasn't much i could do (guess he didn't get my message), or watch  the free and relaxed cetaceans. Looking out i saw the whales had come back to that same spot out from me. It was almost a mile out. Then way out, a giant splash was all i caught of a big breech. I thought: guys this is great, i was kind of wanting to see a little more. Gotta get up that hill before dark. Few minutes - Then - right outside the break at the cove - 2 or 300 yds. out - moving like a dolphin she cruised by right by. Always bringing an excited gasp.
                  Air, O2, the blowhole,breathing through the top of the head, the chakras above the head, all these ideas brought a deeper resonance with these beings. A fantasy of an active mind, a longing - doesn't matter. The subjective experience is yours, but can be shared with those who can hear. All these thoughts, with the breath, allowed the activation again. The breath thru the top of the head, the spine tingling depth of self and at the core: a connection to all...a thankful bliss / to live now...  


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


      Some of the newer physics have heartened those, who are drawn to metaphysics, and those who like to see in a more left brain way, by giving evidence that consciousness is non local at the same time. This brings up the ideas of how, and in what way, are we all connected. Besides an egoic nature that starts as a helpless newborn that will need care and protection to survive, we are immersed in a system that is structured to believe that the world revolves around us. I want this - i need that - it is nature's way.  These beginnings, driven by needs and the underlying desire to live and love, are approached in different ways by a multitude of cultures, past and present. Most, if not all, have a structure, built by their forebears, that explain and delineate the various codes,deities,social rules, and origin and purpose of life. A lot of ancient cultures had knowledge of the connectedness of life. Many didn't. A tribe in a jungle may have a totally different culture than their neighbors, 30 mi. away. And as far as we know, we've always fought in the recent past ( the last  5000 yrs) - (we create the conditions that cause pain - must therefore experience the effect). As Dannion Brinkley related in Saved By The Light: In Vietnam he was a special ops assassin. He was  dropped off in Laos with 2 support crew and carried out his mission, which was to shoot a Colonel, who was addressing his troops in the morning. So - Dannion was not a new ager, so his near death and out of body (OBE) experience a few yrs later was not expected. When shown pictures of his life, he would be the one to feel and understand the whole experience. He not only had to feel the pain and surprise of the Colonel, he felt the pain of his children, who grieved for their father. We don't know how we affect it all, and this is our quest - to open to what is deep within... Learning thru time and space...With a very long recovery, Daniel changed his life and has been working with hospice and veteran's groups for decades -

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Remix - Nusrath Fateh Ali Khan  - finishing a couple posts - lotta drafts

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Allowing Blissful Experiences

        One thing most everyone can agree to is that we all desire a good life and  happiness. Psychologists,mystics and philosophers have put forth many theories that delineate the needs and wants people pursue, and how one's actions all point to experiencing the attainment of them. This may come under the heading "the common way", and comprehensive logic and experience tells us this is "normal". Have you noticed that the experiencer's wishes are mostly born from observing others attain desired things, or from society or "sales" entities. "Well, she really 'loves' her new smartphone, I will get one just like it." This may partially come from our social nature, (mirroring others), but many view it as what's known in Buddhist thought as " neti neti" - not this - not this. The varied, seemingly endless search for enjoyment goes forth, maybe a fling with someone or something, then on to the next try. Of course, many find enjoyable activities and stick to them for a lifetime. They find levels of "happiness" that no one will argue with. It's entirely your choice that you have been given and rightly so, and it follows that you will be given enough time and opportunity to complete your "destiny." When the eventual time comes when you or the object of your enjoyment have to separate, there is often great trauma. The values people ascribe to things are temporary, so it is eventually lost.  The promising thing is that we have small pleasures from things and in a different way people(hopefully), with the negative - that - rarely are those in this pursuit -
DEEPLY FULFILLED. Because of the sovereignty of all, free will is given - but not to the point of the destruction of the environment, or other planetary habitats. The mysteries and sufferings in this world are long and deep. Sometimes, people turn to atheism, after terrible events which they see as being allowed by God - "How could a loving God let this happen?" Gielgud answers as HIM in Time Bandits: 'I think it has something to do with free will.' The wounded seeker had been told that 'not a blade of grass moves without the hand of the Lord.' That is true because it is all the energy of the source, but it is given to many others to co-create this reality(dream). Certainly the source of compassion has great regard for the creation, but it is obvious that it is given to us to be the ones who care for this world. The amount of beings and energy it takes is beyond our comprehension. Arguing over the name or way of God is beyond our mental power to know, and only makes working together more difficult. The bottom line is: You don't know - And this is not a comfortable position - not knowing. Of course, each path believes it is the best - despite claiming that there are many paths. Some say they are the only way - was there not enlightenment before 2000 years ago? That doesn't seem very compassionate. Once again, we are all in various degrees of illusion. Going deeper we have subjective experiences of bliss, wisdom, and oneness. These gifts you have attracted by your love and compassion. Re - choosing not to judge, by allowing, like the creator. Being one and yet still simultaneously different, we move within the energy of all. Patience will serve to help you to be honest. Saying "I don't really know" is preferable to blindly or fearfully following. If it's true, it'll come to you. What do we know - being truthful - we have love in our hearts, we empathize with others, we're all in the same boat. Judge not, try suspending belief, and give whatever you've got. When you do it while being connected to your deepest self, especially now, you are co-creating a wonderous paradise...