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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Psyche and the Circular Essence

     Round and Round...all is the "circular essence" as Doug Heller said in high school, ages ago, brilliant. Or spiral multiverse. Oh, yeah, for me, today is a time for the noticing of a certain amount of earth revolutions of the sun, from the time this body in which i reside entered the air to breathe and start a new phase of existence. Do you really think of it that way? Ok, well, then, happy birthday, and to all... I appreciate your decision to incarnate in this fantastic and complicated time of the world.  -Age - it must have been an issue, i remember asking "what time is it?" when someone would ask the question. Like when someone asks "where are you from?" i always get a puzzling feeling(that i like)? And probably a goofy look on my face. Good question...probably affects our life experience. When asked by a woman in Thailand, i just pointed up. She said: you are from stars. I think we've all been (almost) everywhere, so the narrative just depends on how much one is identified with the story, positively or otherwise.
        Today, as i sat outside for sun connection and slipping into a meditative feeling, a shadow of something flickers - I am noticing the shadow and i am breathing in and out...another flicker  open eyes look and it is Psyche this butterfly. I always think of a goddess and a sign of love when i see and and she came up like she was going to land on my shoulder or arm. I wanted to totally relax and almost expected it... a feel...touching nature... life... She circled around through the trees gently gliding - dropping into the small area... i noticed the mind reach out toward Psyche and then the ceasing of reaching and then open...relaxing...breathing in and out...All is blessing...I am thankful...
         Found this story of the legend when looking up Psyche. The word psyche is the Greek word for butterfly. Similar to numerous legends from many traditions, the common thrust is: The gods were given (from whom?) supernatural powers and have often interacted with humans. Have to say - And have created worlds and beings - and - a generous amount of havoc. Often, gods and humans have thought that they were the ultimate creator of all, and with their followers, created much war and strife. The idea pointing to: there are unlimited levels of consciousness or levels of experience that entities desire to interact with. So, the likelihood, of a human having the ability to identify who or what is the Source of all, is very small. The escapades of the demigods and entities in the recent last few thousand years on earth have been notorious. This distilling of mankind and Earth's history is obviously speculative, one who truly listens - will truly hear. Asking for the truth is valuable and brings forth assistance from benevolent entities and energies.
            Since this story begins with references to envy and jealousy, i'm looking to identify any in my psychology. If one truly accepts that he is absolutely responsible for everything in his reality, than one sees it's not possible to be anyone but who you are. I stand by my choices and choose to develop more sensitivity and compassion. I am a protector of the weaker or smaller. There are so many ways to see things. I am thankful to see things this way as opposed to someone who is worried about health, because yesterday the DR. said if it gets bad, go to the ER. I know i'm doing well in taking care of this body and will continue until the rental contract expires. When Eros saw Psyche(in Greek mythology Psyche is the deification of the human soul), his compassion for her was tempered by his knowledge of this world, which is hosting many who are insensitive and dishonest. Do not fear - gentle and innocent Psyche - you are protected...Goodness and balance endures...
            This is the first part of the legend from wikipedia:
         Envious and jealous of the beauty of a mortal girl named Psyche, Venus asks her son Cupid (known to the Greeks as Eros) to use his golden arrows while Psyche sleeps, so that when she awakens, Venus (Aphrodite in the Greek tradition) would place a vile creature for her to fall in love with. Cupid finally agrees to her commands after a long debate. As he flies to Psyche's room at night, he becomes invisible so no one can see him fly in through her window. He takes pity on her, for she was born too beautiful for her own safety. As he slowly approaches, careful not to make a sound, he readies one of his golden arrows. He leans over Psyche while she is asleep and before he can pierce her shoulder with the tip of his arrow, she awakens, startling him, for she looks right into his eyes, despite his invisibility. This causes him to scratch himself with his arrow and fall deeply in love with her. He cannot continue his mission, for every passing second he finds her more appealing. He reports back to Venus shortly after and the news enrages her. Venus places a curse on Psyche that prevents her from meeting a suitable husband. Cupid is greatly upset, and decides that, as long as Psyche remains cursed, he will no longer shoot arrows, which will cause the temple of Venus to fall.

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